Enjoying God's Work
What better thing to remember in the midst of our manifold concerns, than that God is at work?
Evangelicals seem to have their heads facing in lots of different directions. This could be seen as a bad thing, but this issue of Essentials shows it to be a good thing. We have reminders of great biblical scholars and leaders, and the way they helped strengthen the roots of our traditions. We have reflections on addictions, sexuality and holiness. And reports and recommendations about our Indigenous brothers and sisters and God's work in Africa.
Plus reviews of a wide variety of books for summer reading. Books that cover a wide range of issues and interests. Evangelicals are thinking and working on so many fronts.
Although, as the Bible Study this issue reminds us, “Far more important is the fundamental recollection that God is the one at work.” And that is cause for thanksgiving and encouragement. At a time when biblical Christians seem to be under pressure to conform to the beliefs and practices of the culture, we see that God is still at work in his church and through his word. Despite a culture that seems to have banded together against the Lord and his people, the Lord may still be laughing at their futile efforts (Psalm 2).
Is still laughing. And sending out his word and messengers. Building up his church. Strengthening and empowering his servants. Bringing his elect from all the nations into the body of his Son. How wonderful.