EFAC Australia
Tribute to John Stott
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- Written by: Ruth Redpath
By Ruth Redpath, Assistant Priest at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, and former member of All Soul's Langham Place.
It was in the 1960’s that All Souls Langham Place, London, 200 metres from Oxford Circus, and next-door to the BBC, became known as "John Stott’s Church." Rector since 1950, John had become known to many as he led University Missions in the UK and abroad. One such was at Melbourne University in 1958. During the week, he gave memorable lunchtime addresses, later published as the classic “Basic Christianity”. His concluding address was given at Sunday’s Choral Evensong in this cathedral, with 1800 packed in, including some of us here today. It is not surprising that many travelling in UK and Europe or in London for postgraduate study, made All Souls their spiritual home.
John Stott's Dream for the Church
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- Written by: John Stott
From John Stott's 'The Living Church'. It was originally penned on 24 November 1974, in honour of All Souls Church's 150th anniversary of its dedication.
I have a dream of a church which is a biblical church — which is loyal in every particular to the revelation of God in Scripture, whose teachers expound Scripture with integrity and relevance, and so seek to present every member mature in Christ, whose people love the word of God, and adorn it with an obedient and Christ-like life, which is preserved from all unbiblical emphases, whose whole life manifests the health and beauty of biblical balance. I have a dream of a biblical church.
John Stott Memorial Service Sermon by Rev. Canon Dr. J. I. Packer
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- Written by: Chris Appleby
John Stott Tribute by Richard Bewes
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- Written by: Richard Bewes
From Richard Bewes, for Anglican-Mainstream.net
‘A messenger of the church and the glory of Christ’
Richard Bewes writes about the Founder of The Church of England Evangelical Council, and the Evangelical fellowship in the Anglican Communion
John Robert Walmsley Stott, born on April 27th, 1921, was called to rest on July 27th, 2011, after a lifetime of church leadership, Bible teaching, evangelism and writing – stretching across a canvas that covered every continent. In the minds of thousands of pastors and students of Scripture worldwide, he has been the unofficial holder of the Blue Riband in Bible exposition.As one theological college Principal
JRWS on safari. (Photo: Richard Bewes)
commented to me, “When called upon to expound a Scripture passage, I would refrain from consulting John’s published comments too early, because no sooner had I read them than it seemed there was simply nothing left to explain!” When embarking upon his commentary on the letter to the Romans, it is no exaggeration to state that John Stott read every major work available – including all fourteen volumes of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ influential expositions.
New appointment to Adelaide
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- Written by: Chris Appleby
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